Friday 30 May 2014

Shiralee: Cruise 2014 # 8

Friday 23rd May to Saturday 31st May

 Saturday 24th May

 Today we’re in Penkridge, having travelled the five miles and four locks from Weeping Cross yesterday morning, despite the threat of rain. We were expecting really nasty weather this morning, but it’s now dry. Anyway, we’re here now and we do plan on visiting the market this morning.

 The one thing that stands out as different from recent years is the amount of boats moored at some places, where they would not normally have been. Weeping Cross had just the one space when we arrived there on Wednesday, but we put that down to our late arrival. However, when we arrived here at Penkridge at 10.30 yesterday, once again we were lucky to find a spot. Had the two boats that we followed here not decided to keep going then we would not have been able to stay.

 Just ahead of us is a lock, which leads to much more open aspect moorings but, when Wifey went off to have her hair cut, she noticed that all spaces were taken up there too. This is most unusual and quite worrying.

 Sunday 25th May

 We walked into town yesterday morning and paid a visit to the market, where we bought a few bits of food, such as cheese and a bacon joint. We then called in at the local Co-op for the rest of our stuff.

 The good news is, that there’s a Dentist here in Penkride. The bad news is that they are closed at weekends and Bank Holidays and we’ll be gone from here tomorrow. Not sure where the next one will be but, if this darned loose tooth would just fall out, I wouldn’t need one.

 We were intending to take a walk around the nearby park home site, but the weather has put a stop to that and besides, we’ve still got lots of paintwork to repair, so we’re in no position to sell up and buy one just yet. I suppose it must be the boredom of sitting around in a marina during the winter months, which gets us thinking about a move. But, once we’re out on the cut and visiting all these different towns and villages, we’re both much happier bunnies. The pace of life is so slow and relaxing when cruising; as it is in the marina; but cruising is not so boring.

 Monday 26th May

 After a peaceful weekend we’ll be off to Gailey this morning. We’ve had plenty of rain these past few days, but the sky is clear this morning. Trouble is, it’s not yet 6 am so, by the time we’re set to leave, anything could happen. We have six locks and about four miles to go, which will take the better part of 3 hours.

 We popped into The Boat yesterday lunchtime and it no longer even looks like a pub, more like a Bar cum Restaurant. The layout is all wrong too; no longer do they have proper pub seating, just a scattering of tables with armchairs. The décor also leaves something to be desired, battleship grey and white walls and, in the bar, only one item on one wall, a sign that states, ‘A meal without wine is called breakfast’, how droll.

 So, having consumed one pint of Stella, and having no wish to deny myself the second, we walked into town to The Star, much better, a proper pub with proper seating and sensible décor, Sunday lunch for only £5.99. I know where we’ll be dining when we return this way.

 Tuesday 27th May

 Yesterday morning we intended to go through to Gailey; just six locks and about 3 miles away but, as we came through Bloggs Lock, the moorings there looked so peaceful that we decided to pull in. Sometimes, even though we stop at the same places most of the time, it’s nice to have a change of scenery.

 We watched Pointless in the evening, as we do most days, but were disappointed in their use of Martin McGuinness in their question about Favourite Martins. Surely there are a few more Famous Martins out there, rather than resorting to a still living murdering thug. What happened to common decency? There must be hundreds of people out there; both here and in Northern Ireland; who watch this show and will be similarly outraged and, sadly, be reminded of their lost loved ones.

 I’ve actually been onto the BBC website but, not only are we not able to contact the presenters of the show, Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman, but in order to contact the BBC it’s necessary to sign up for an account. Bah!!

 Now, since we topped up with water and disposed of rubbish yesterday morning, it won’t be necessary to stop at Gailey for those chores. Instead we’ll be able to go on to Cross Green, another of our usual stops.

 Wednesday 28th May

 Despite warnings from forecasters that we would have rain yesterday morning, we still spent about 40 minutes walking to the shops and back with no sign of it. The rain didn’t turn up until much later in the day, and then it was only slight. Last night and this morning however, a totally different story, buckets of the stuff. This is a pity because we want to take the bus into Wolverhampton this morning.

 I don’t know why, but I’m having a wee problem getting into my jeans. Last time I wore them I had no trouble at all, nice and snug around the waist. However, I obviously need to lose some puppy fat from around my waist but, in the meantime I’m wearing those lightweight trousers that have umpteen pockets, all down the legs and such. Cargo pants, I think the Yanks call them, which have elasticated waistbands.

 Talking about which, we walked around the market at Penkridge on Saturday and spotted a stall that sells these things. But they don’t have proper sizes on them. They now go by small, medium, large, extra-large, etc. So, since there was nowhere to try them on; except inside the trader’s van; no sale. What’s going on in the Rag Trade these days? Is it because these trousers have elasticated waistbands? Perhaps I’ll find what I want in Wolverhampton today, assuming we get there what with this weather and all.

 Thursday 29th May

 It’s really chucking it down this morning and I’m hoping it stops before we get going. We’ve been here at Cross Green for two days so far and we want to be in Wheaton Aston for the weekend. With just one stop in the middle of nowhere in between, we really do need to move on today.

 We took the bus into Wolverhampton yesterday and wondered why we bothered. The town centre is much like any other big town or city, clothing shops, fast food, banks and not much else. There’s not one really useful shop in these places, except perhaps Gregg’s and other bakeries. And yet, there always seems to be masses of people shopping there!!

 Friday 30th May

 Once again we made it to our next stop without getting wet, well, apart from a little drizzle. We’re now on the Shropshire Union canal between bridges 7 and 8 and, compared with other years, these moorings are a mess. It’s not like the Shropshire Union Canal Society to let these moorings become so overgrown. Although, Wifey reckons she remembers having to lift Rusty over the long grass last year. However, when we came through Autherlry Junction lock, it soon became apparent that nothing was being done to tidy up the towpath. There are a couple of stretches of the Shroppie that look as though they narrow down to just one boats width, but it’s only where the foliage on both sides is encroaching on the canal. Take that away; as they should be doing; and there’s a big difference.

 Today we’ll leave later than usual because we’re only going a couple of miles to Brewood, and we want to leave enough time for late starters to leave us a space. It’s not that we need much at Brewood, except perhaps some of the really great bread pudding from the local bakery. It’s just that we don’t want to be in Wheaton Aston until Saturday morning. The moorings there are only 48 hours and we want to top up with diesel on Monday morning. There’s a garage by the side of the canal; only higher up at road level; but they do have a pipeline down to the canal, through which they supply red diesel and, at about 78p per litre, they’re just about the cheapest on the cut. We could save as much as £20 there because we have about 150 litres to put in.

 Saturday 31st May

 For those of you who know nothing about our Inland Waterways, there are many private landowners; especially farmers; who rent out their canal side land to boaters. On our way here to Wheaton Aston yesterday morning we passed such a place and, in amongst the line of canal boats was the smallest one we had ever seen. Sadly Wifey didn’t have her camera with her, so I can’t include a photo here. Let’s just say that the boat in question was much lower in height, no more than 15ft in length and nowhere near the 7ft 10inches in width. We’ve seen short boats and some normal boats that sit low in the water, but this tiddly thing really took the biscuit!!

 Actually, we didn’t intend coming all the way through to Wheaton Aston yesterday. We were going to stay at Brewood, but the moorings there are pretty dark and dismal, besides which the towpath there is prone to mud after even a short spell of rain. So, we walked into the village for essential shopping and then came on to Wheaton Aston. Sadly no bread pudding this time.

 Had we stayed at Brewood, then we would have spent the weekend here. Instead we’ll top up with diesel, buy a couple of bags of coal and wend our merry way to Gnosall Heath. The moorings there are also 48 hour, but we’re going to chance our arm and take the bus into Telford on Monday morning.

 And that’s it for this time.

 Take care and have a great weekend.

 Dave and Sheila





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