Friday 21 November 2014

Winter 2014/15: Crick/3

Friday 14/11/14 to Saturday 22/11/14

 Saturday 15/11/14

 Friday morning, for the first time since bringing Alex home, we left him to go shopping at Sainsbury’s. Happily he didn’t tear the place apart and was happy to see us when we returned.

 Aside from walking to the Post Office later in the day, we restricted our exercise. Well, you can have too much of a good thing!

 I’m off to Harlow this morning, visiting Les and her daughter, picking Alan up, then calling on Chris and Marilyn, then on to visit Les’s husband Dave and then on to Alan’s house, where we’ll trim the pieces of timber that will make up Wifey’s flower boxes. It’s gonna be a busy day, methinks.

 Monday 17/11/14

 Saturday went very well down in Harlow. The trip down wasn’t very pleasant, mostly foggy but I still made good time.

 I should have visited Les first but, since nature was calling and I needed to unload some timber at Alan’s house, I stopped off there first. Then it was simply a case of dragging him along to visit Les and Colette then on to Chris and Marilyn whom I’ve not seen for sever al years.

 A good natter with Les, along with a cuppa for us both, at which time she told us that hubby Dave would be home at 1pm, so we had to fly a bit to fit in a visit to his workshop.

 We had a lot of catching up to do with Chris and Marilyn, but we still managed another cuppa and then it was on to see Dave at his workshop in River Way. If memory serves, he said he had been there since 1986 and, in that space of time; having started with just a toolbox; he’s built up all the machinery and test equipment he could possibly need for working on all types of cars. What he really loves though, is working on rally cars, for which he’s been known to travel much of the world. Great stuff Dave. Hope it all continues to go well.

 Alan and I would normally spend a couple of hours at the White Admiral when I visit, but his grandson Aaron had other ideas. Val was with Aaron later in the day and he suggested a meal at the Toby Carvery, so we had a couple of drinks at the Admiral later in the afternoon then, at about 7pm we trotted off to the Carvery. Sheila and I have been there before, just the one time soon after it opened, and we were not impressed. However, things have certainly improved since then and the meal was great.

 The drive home on Sunday morning was even worse than the drive down, with even more fog, but I still made it in less than two hours, with a pit-stop on the way and another stop at Crick Co-op.

 Today we’ll be off to Pets-at-Home in Daventry to see if we can find another bed for Alex, this one for under the dinette, where Rusty had hers.

 Tuesday 18/11/14

 When I went down to Harlow on Saturday, I took along all the pieces of decking that go to making Wifey’s flower boxes. Since I had cut them by hand and they were somewhat askew, Alan had agreed to trim them up for me on his bench saw, which he did. Unfortunately none of the end pieces was any good because they could not be trimmed down to the correct size. As it happens I took along what remained of the last length of decking and, out of that piece we managed to make seven ends.

 We were considering going down to Wickes or B&Q but, as it was Saturday this didn’t seem such a good idea as that area of town is far too busy. So, instead of buying another length of decking, we decided to utilise three of the offcuts and ‘fuse’ them together into one usable piece. My dear brother has all the tools necessary for most jobs in carpentry and this operation presented no problem. He has a small machine that can cut slots in timber and he used this, along with small, oval pieces of wood that he called ‘biscuits’ to join these offcuts together. It was then a simple matter of gluing them and clamping them together, ready for cutting down the next morning. Now all I have to do is tidy all the pieces up and put them together. Great!! Thanks Bruv.

 Yesterday we took a run over to Pets at Home in Daventry, this time to buy another bed for Alex, this one has been put under the dinette and, I’m happy to say he slept on it last night.

 Today we won’t do much of anything, other than a walk to the Post Office this morning, and a visit to nurse this afternoon; one of those regular check-ups.

 Wednesday 19/11/14

 Like I said, we didn’t do much exercise yesterday, other than walk to the Co-op and back. It should just have been the Post Office, but Wifey needed other things too. I did manage to match up and rub down the decking for the flower boxes and will now start putting the pieces together. But first I need some ¾ inch square beading for the corners. That will be done tomorrow when we go over to Daventry.

 Today Wifey has to collect her new specs from Boot’s, so we’ll be taking the bus into town.

 Thursday 20/11/14

 We expected to be in Rugby for at least two hours because Sheila’s appointment with Boot’s wasn’t until 11 am and the first bus back is at 11.10. But, as luck would have it we arrived there a little early and they saw her straight away, so we actually managed to catch the 11.10 back.

 We’re still looking for a Training Lead for Alex, but none of the usual places seem to stock them  Even Pets at Home don’t have the one we want, which has a key ring clasp on both ends. So, I am now going to take another look at the Dog’s Trust Training disc, to see exactly which type they recommend.

 Alex is a pretty intelligent pooch, and he’s crafty with it.

 When I take him out in the morning I always give him a small treat when we get back. All of his food, along with treats, is kept in the same cupboard. It hasn’t taken him long to realise and now, after eating his treat he returns to the cupboard looking for his breakfast.

 When Sheila takes him out at 10 pm, I usually get his treat out of the cupboard, ready to put down when we’re ready for bed. When I do this I put it on top of the display cabinet and, whilst we’re getting ourselves ready for bed, Alex will sniff around until he’s closest to the treat and continually jump up at it until he’s been given it.

 I’m thinking of nicknaming him El CID, The Crafty Irish Dog. He did come from Ireland after all.

 Friday 21/11/14

 Yesterday was quite a busy day and started with a breakfast of porridge. We then sat around until about 10 am, when we took a drive over to Daventry for petrol, and where we bought a harness for Alex and a couple of pieces of beading and screws for the flower boxes. I am now all set to put the pieces of decking together.

 From the retail park we drove to Daventry Country Park and took a walk around the lake. Well, a part of it, because it really is quite big. A big poster is on display outside the Information Centre, telling visitors about the various walks, which are depicted by different coloured dotted lines. Unfortunately, they do not seem to have these posters for sale, so we’ll have to consult their one next time we pay the park a visit.

 Later in the afternoon we took a walk up to the Co-op, with Alex wearing his new harness. He seems perfectly happy wearing it, although he wouldn’t allow the man at Pets at Home to fit it. He obviously doesn’t take kindly to strange men handling him – present company excepted, of course.

 Today is shopping day so we’ll be driving over to Sainsbury’s later this morning.

 Saturday 22/11/14

 Yesterday morning, after shopping at Sainsbury’s, I took Alex for a short walk around part of the marina. We then settled in for the rest of the day, taking him out on a couple more occasions.

 Now, Alex is quite a calm and placid sort of dog and, unlike Rusty, doesn’t tend to race up and down the boat. However, take him out in the pouring rain; as Wifey was obliged to do yesterday evening; and it’s a whole new ball game.

 I was waiting for them with a towel, all ready to give him a rub down. Having done so, Alex went absolutely bananas. Up and down the boat he raced and, in between races, he rubbed his face against the carpet, jumped up and down on Sheila’s chair, tried to snatch her handkerchief out of her hand, and even snapped at her nose; this is something Rusty used to do, so she was well prepared for it.

As for the lapdog description, he’s now adopted the habit of sitting in front of my chair and staring at me until I finally lift him up onto my lap, when he promptly falls asleep. Lapdog and lunatic rolled into one mad fluffy bundle.

 Well, as it’s Saturday and Wifey is still in bed, I suppose I’d better post this blog.

 Have a great weekend folks.

 Dave, Sheila and Alex







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