Tuesday 9 April 2013

Shiralee: Cruise 2013 #2

Alrewas to Alrewas

 Thursday 4th April

 No doubt you thought I was in a bad mood when I posted the previous blog, well, you ain’t wrong. It is now almost 7 am, I’ve been up and about since 5.30 and Rusty has already been for her walk.

 Now, with 12.4 volts on our panel, at which point any self-respecting heater should fire up, ours still won’t. So, that’s another load of expense. The final nail in the coffin of birthday celebrations has come in the shape of the cost of a new gearbox, and the cheapest I could find was £501. And then of course it needs to be fitted.

 What to do? Well, we’ll wait until Andy arrives later this afternoon and take it from there, but I see no point in continuing with this trip without a heater and a possible dodgy gearbox. The heater we can probably manage without, but the gearbox?

 Once again, watch this space, but in my current mood I don’t suppose I’ll be bothering with the uke today.

 Friday 5th April

 This morning is much calmer than yesterday, which was very windy and cold.

 I spoke to Andy yesterday and still our remote unit has not turned up. I also mentioned about our problems with the boat and its crawling pace. He came by and we had a chat, the result of which is that he’ll see if he can track down a reconditioned unit. With a brand new one normally costing over £600, we think a recon would be best at this time, especially after all we’ve spent on the boat so far this year.

 So, having moved the boat onto 14 day moorings, just in front of Andy’s boat, we look set to be stuck here at Alrewas for several more days yet, which means a phone call to Alan Oxley. Hopefully he and Chris will be able to meet us here, instead of the planned meet at Stone.

 So far this trip has not turned out too well. However, once this gearbox is sorted and our remote unit has been fitted, I’m hopeful of a pleasant cruse this year. Hopeful being the operative word.

 Saturday 6th April

 The saga continues! Andy popped in on his way home from work and plugged in a new Remote unit for the charger. No luck whatsoever, which means the main charger is not sending the signal. He will remove the unit on Sunday and take it to the manufacturers for assessment on Monday.

 Meanwhile he’s located a reconditioned gearbox, which will cost us £395 + VAT which, as we are now aware, stands at 20%. Hopefully we’ll have that fitted by Tuesday, which will give us just about enough time to still meet up with Alan and Chris, before they return to Germany. They are unable to meet us here at Alrewas, simply because it would mean a train ride followed by a bus. However, if we can get the gearbox and charger sorted by Tuesday or Wednesday, there may still be time to reach Great Haywood and take the bus to Stafford, where we can spend a couple of hours with them.

 So, it’s looks like we’ll be twiddling our thumbs for a few more days yet. What a bummer!

 All that remains after that is to get this heater working. It’s fine on mains electricity and if the engine is running, but can’t fire up on the battery power, even when it stands at 12.5 volts. From past experience we know that this will cost us about £300. Great!

 The good news is that the weather has improved, the wind has dropped and we had quite a bit of sunshine yesterday. It’s calm out there this morning and, once the sun rises above the trees, we could be in for a fine weekend.

 Monday 8th April

 Yesterday was a pretty good day, all things considered. It was bright and sunny for the most part, although still a wee bit cool.

 For the first time in almost three weeks, we actually spent an hour in a pub and put ourselves outside the usual couple of pints of Guinness, a half pint of cider and some snacks. On the way back to the boat we indulged in an ice cream cone, the first, but certainly not the last, of the 2013 season.

 Later in the afternoon I accompanied Andy to Fradley, where we disposed of some rubbish and he filled a couple of plastic containers with water. Sheila stayed behind and, when we returned, there she was enjoying a chin wag with Sandy, that’s Andy’s better half.

 This morning, at about 8 am, Andy will be removing the charger unit and taking it to Sterling’s place in Droitwich. Hopefully he’ll get to the bottom of why the remote unit isn’t picking up a signal from the main unit. While he’s doing that, he’ll also phone the chandlery at Mercia and ask them to order our recon gearbox. With a bit of luck it will be delivered tomorrow, in which case we should be away from here on Wednesday morning and we’ll be heading for Great Haywood, where we’ll collect some mail and take the bus into Stafford to meet with Alan and Chris.

 As for the rest of today, well, some much needed ukulele practice is called for, along with some more work on our back panels. I also must print out a picture of a kingfisher, which will be my next painting project.

 Tuesday 9th April

 Halleluuuuujah brother, Andy finally fitted the new charger and all is OK in that department. This gozmo, which cost us an arm and a leg, really works well. However, since we could only charge the batteries directly from the alternator yesterday morning, while Andy took the dodgy one back, we thought it best to run the engine for the usual two hours yesterday evening. From now on though it will only be for an hour.

 Unfortunately it doesn’t look as though we’ll be able to meet up with Alan and Chris after all. This is because our recon gearbox won’t arrive at the chandlery until tomorrow morning, which means Andy won’t be fitting it until Thursday morning, leaving us insufficient time to get to Great Haywood before the weekend. Still, it does depend on how quickly the gearbox can be fitted and, of course, the weather.
Wednesday 10th April

 It’s just as well we’re not moored up way out in the sticks right now, else we’d be getting somewhat bored by now. With the new charger fitted and working, we’re alright for power and hot water, but we’re looking forward to moving on, hopefully by Friday morning, but that assumes the gearbox turns up today.

 Andy has done a superb job so far, for which we have shown our appreciation. Just one more job and he’s done.

 Late yesterday morning and with nothing better to do, we took the bus into Lichfield, where we disposed of some books to a charity shop and mooched about town for a while. As towns go Lichfield is very much like any other, with the usual range of shops, banks and coffee bars, one of which we stopped at for coffee and sticky bun. With an hour and a half before catching the bus back, we had plenty of time to wander around.

 The rest of the day was spent relaxing. Alrewas is a pleasant place to moor up, with several pubs, Post Office, Newsagent and Co-op, not to mention a very fine Butcher’s. But spending over a week here is anathema to us as we rarely spend more than two days in one spot.

 Now that our plans for meeting up with Alan and Chris have been dashed, we’ll make our next stopover at Fradley Junction, after which it will be Handsacre and Great Haywood, where I must call into the local Post Office to pick up some mail. After that we’ll be heading for the Llangollen canal.

 Well now, with five pages of our doings at Alrewas, this would be a good time to post so, cheers one and all.

 Dave, Sheila and Rusty.

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