Yesterday we drove into Burton where I managed to find a decent pair of shoes at Clarke’s. Now, I’m not one for spending huge amounts of money on footwear, but I do like to own at least one pair of comfortable, waterproof shoes. This pair set me back £50 but, had they been at the ‘correct’ price of £99, I certainly wouldn’t have bought them.
I already have a stout pair of waterproof boots that I wear when cruising, and I have several other pairs of shoes, none of which I can say for a fact are waterproof. Surely even the cheapest of ordinary walking shoes should be waterproof, but that’s not always the case unfortunately.
The Sunday supplements run an ad for two pairs of shoes for the price of one, usually at a total cost of £30 or so. But I haven’t seen that ad lately, and that’s a great pity because, having bought them in the past and found them to be comfortable and waterproof and, what’s more, lasting for a good 12 month, I would dearly like to get some more. So, where are they?
Today I’m going into Burton again, this time to have a couple of pictures enlarged to A3. Why I didn’t think of it earlier I don’t know, but Ryman’s have a photocopy service and are able to enlarge from A4 to A3, which is very useful for my current ‘sunset’ project and for the next one, a picture of ‘Shiralee’ when we were moored at Luddington, on the River Avon, back in 2008.
The following is the pastel I’m working on now, and the one below is the Luddington one.
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Sunset at Giffard Park on the Grand Union |
Shiralle at Luddington 2008 |
Yet another iconic British institution is being sold off, this time it’s Branston Pickle. When will this decimation of British businesses stop? Foreign companies already own a huge chunk of British companies, with Cadbury’s sold to America’s Kraft Foods only a short while ago, with the promise of no job losses, only for them to close down a factory here only two years later.
When is a British government going to put a stop to this disgrace? We’ve already lost all our heavy industry: cars and shipbuilding to name just two; now it seems nothing is sacred and anything is fair game for foreign companies to snap up.
Friday 2nd November
Another early morning wake-up call from our Rusty, this time at 04.30. This is becoming more and more regular now, which means we’re going to have to get her to the vet again. I can’t imaging what he’ll come up with this time, but the antibiotics only worked for a short while earlier this year. We’ve tried changing her diet, but that’s had no effect at all.
We can almost tell, the day before it happens, because unlike a normal evening, where she will hover around looking for scraps from our evening meal, if she’s heading for a tummy upset she’ll stay in her bed and ignore the smell of food.
So now Freddie Starr has now been arrested as a result of the police investigation into Savile’s behaviour. Sorry, alleged behaviour. Who’s next I wonder? Even the bankers holding JS’s millions have frozen them pending the outcome. So, the £3M earmarked for charities will not now go to them. Instead a whole bunch of money grabbers are lining up for their share of com-pen-sa-shun!
There’s one certain way of discovering the truth. All we need is just one woman to step up and PROVE, with DNA testing, that the child she bore is a result of being raped by JS. Otherwise I see no actual proof of any misdeeds by this man ever emerging. It’s a bit like a person being charged with murder, when there is no body. All circumstantial!
Only one bunch of people will come out of this any the richer, lawyers. Anyone who actually wins in a court case will come away with a pittance once the legal people take their cut, and the charities will go without. Well, I mean to say, all these claimants want is JUSTICE! Don’t they?
Saturday 3rd November
What a great start to the day, no service on the dongle and horrible, icy rain to boot. This is probably down to the icy weather, as the dongle is on the roof of the boat. Yesterday evening it worked just fine, this morning, useless.
I gave it a few hours and tried again and we now have full service. However, there is still one fly in the ointment, Emma seems unable to send pdf documents to me. She is receiving a message telling her my mailbox is full. Of course, it is not, as I emptied all mailboxes when she first had this problem. Absolute email have been informed and will, no doubt, offer a reason and, I hope, a solution, otherwise it’s over to Yahoo.
The weather has now brightened up and we have full sunshine, although it is still a bit chilly.
Sunday 4th November
Another frosty start to the morning and heavy clouds overhead, which could mean snow.
Yesterday, after a conversation about computing with our neighbour Chris, he popped along later and asked if I would like his printer. We already have a cheap Epson, which is sufficient for our needs but, since his one is an HP and has six colour cartridges, as opposed to the Epson’s four, I popped along to his boat and had a look.
Well, I was very surprised to note that, although the HP is older than our Epson, it has far more features and cost him over £100. What could I do but accept his kind offer? All I have to do is purchase the cartridges; he tells me they are probably dry, because he has rarely used it; and away we go.
I’ve had a few problems with receiving lessons from Emma of late. Even though I have my incoming mail set to delete after five days on my server, it seems my Inbox was filling up too fast for a couple of her lessons to get through. Also, the finished ‘Caravan’ instruction book was too big to be accepted; my message limit is 20 Mb and the book was just short of that. Not to worry though, I still have a Yahoo account and have asked Emma to send it there.
Monday 5th November
My Aunt Mabel’s 90 something birthday today and, finally, after many requests by her family, she has moved back to Harlow, bringing her closer to them. Of course, nobody thought we other relatives needed to know she had moved, so all birthday greetings are now sitting on the doormat in her bungalow in Jaywick.
Now, back to that elusive book from Emma. This is the earlier one of the caravan, which my server would not accept because of its almost 20Mb size. There’s a lot to be said for Yahoo then, because she sent it to my address there where it was accepted without fuss or bother.
As for my ‘Sunset’ effort, well, up until I tried to add a second boat to the scene, it wasn’t looking too bad. However, my attempt at drawing a narrow boat looks more like a nursery school kid’s crayon job!! So, back to Emma for more advice, although, I’m seriously considering omitting that second boat and carrying on without it.
Meanwhile, Andy and Sandy are back from their run up the Coventry and Ashby canals, so Andy will collect the car on Tuesday and see what needs to be done regarding the gearbox. This means I will have to go and pick up a set of cartridges today for the printer Chris gave us. We do try to make Mondays our ‘big’ shop day, so it will be killing two birds with one stone today.
Meanwhile, all the best to you all.
Dave, Sheila and, a still poorly, Rusty.
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