Hi Folks and welcome to the first of many blogs from the Shiralee.
At last, after five months boringly moored at Bulbourne which, for those readers not in the know, is on the Grand Union Canal just outside Tring in Hertfordshire.
Now, although we have about as much water to cover as last year, we plan on taking a much more leisurely pace about it. For a start we are vowed and determined to abstain from weekend cruising, with all its inherent dangers from holidaymakers and fishermen. These are just two sections of society that can be a real pain in the rear.
Today is our first day out and, having covered just two miles and nine locks in a little over two hours, we’ve already had a run in with boaters who don’t have a clue about how to behave towards others.
We moored up just about a half mile short of the bridge at Pitstone and were enjoying a well earned cuppa, when along came a boat full of kids. Due to a high cross wind, and the fact that the boat was being steered by an individual still very wet behind the ears and probably no more than 10 years of age, without benefit of an adult to supervise him, their boat nestled itself against the side of ours, and probably removed quite a lot of the recently applied paint. But, since I can’t walk on water, we won’t know the extent of the damage until tomorrow, when we arrive at Grove Lock.
The boat was from an organisation called Reach Out Project which, we believe, is based in Hemel Hempstead, and who hire out to youth organisations and such. On their way past us, with the two boats grinding together, Wifey chanced to look out the window, and was faced with another youngster who promptly gave her the finger.
Of course, as soon as one of the adults realised what was happening, he quickly appeared on the stern deck, by which time the damage had been done. Needless to say I immediately donned my Mr Angry hat and called their office to voice my displeasure, where I extracted a promise from the receiver of my anger, to call the hirer immediately and give them a piece of his mind. I suggested he might give them apiece of ours too, which he duly agreed to do.
So beginneth our first day of a seven month trip. It can only get better, I hope! If it carries on in this unhappy fashion, future blogs could be long-winded indeed.
You’ll be pleased to hear that we enjoyed my 67th birthday weekend. This was on Saturday 4th, as was my day of birth 67 years ago. Thinking perhaps that it may be a day of good fortune, I placed a couple of bets on the Grand National, both of which had already fallen by the wayside by the time I switched on the telly. My attempts at raising a few quid on the Friday and Saturday lotteries suffered a similar fate. It must therefore be obvious to all who read this, that I am not destined to be rich and famous. Ah well, such is life and all its praise, when you die you’ve had it, as my dear old mum used to say!
I shall, of course, as is my habit, post blogs as and when I see fit or am able to get online, whichever is the sooner.
Cheers for now
Tuesday 7th April 2009
The weather forecast for today was not very auspicious but, as it happened, it started out quite bright and calm. We therefore decided to wend our merry way towards Grove lock, in full expectation of the high winds and torrential as promised b the aforementioned forecast. Happily, although the wind had picked up by the time we arrived, we made Grove lock without incident, which is more than can be said for several other boaters heading in both directions. I am happy to relate that, being endowed with a modicum of common sense, they all avoided colliding with Shiralee when passing.

In the bottom right hand corner you can see the forward locker of Shiralee.
Both the lock and the pub are called Grove Lock. This picture was taken back in 2007, and in much brighter weather and before we had the cratch cover fitted.
Whoopee! As we’re moored above the lock, and as there are vast, open fields to both sides of us, I’ve been able to get online. So, without further ado, and since we have no idea when we’ll next be able to do so, I’m going to attempt a posting.
Cheers for now.
Dave, Sheila and Rusty.
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